Indicators for Qualitative Risk Identification Process

Sry Handini Puteri
2 min readApr 6, 2022

In quantifying the risk, there are multiple approach that can be used. One of the methodology is using a Preliminary Risk Assessment. I would like to share one of the methodology that is used by AHA Center to determine the cities that are at ‘most-risk’ in the ASEAN region. The article will focus on what indicator that are used to filter out the cities that are ‘at-risk’ and ‘not at-risk’. Kindly note that this article was mainly cited by the ASEAN Risk Monitor and Disaster Management Review (ARMOR) — 1st Edition that was released in 2019.

Criteria used to filter the city-at-risk

A. Historical hazards

“Representative of natural hazards in the region that have frequently impacted cities and considerably damaged socio-economic conditions. However, it should be noted that the considered types of natural hazards are limited to natural hazards that directly affect people and assets of cities, and excluded uncountable hazard damages, both physically and spatially (e.g. forest fire, drought, etc).”

B. Replicability

“Replicability to apply pilot project to similar cities in ASEAN Member States (AMS), where cities with small and medium-sized population form a large percentage of urban areas.”

C. Sustainability



Sry Handini Puteri

Personal learning space ; A Geoenthusiast ; Interested in Disaster Risk Management